NW Permaculture Institute

Earth Care, People Care, Future Care

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The Agro Rebel: Permaculture in the Salzburg Alps, Oregon City Free Film Series starts March 7th @ 6:30pm


The Agro Rebel: Permaculture in the Salzburg Alps
How can Sepp Holzer farm fish, livestock, vegetables, herbs, and a wide variety of fruits including lemons, all high in the alps? No weeding, no watering, no annual plowing. The Agro Rebel explores the unusual, sustainable, energy and time saving farming methods developed by Austrian farmer, Sepp Holzer. 44 mins

Are you interested in organic gardening, water saving perennial food systems, and local, sustainable agriculture?  Come to our latest film and finger food potluck and network with like minded folks.  Feel free to bring business cards or fliers about your local business, craft, service, community group, or non-profit.
Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share: Free Film and Lecture Series
Held in Oregon City on 1st Monday of the month (2nd Monday after holidays) March – Sept

Oregon City 1st Monday events include finger food potluck & discussion
@ St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 822 Washington St., Oregon City, OR 97045

For more information email nwperma@gmail.com or call 503-449-8077

This event is made possible by support from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and private donations from people in our community. Thank you for your support!


UN declares 2015 “International Year of the Soils,” and NW Permaculture Institute offers new classes and free films!

Happy New Year!

Here at the NW Permaculture Institute we are wishing you an abundant 2015 in education, fertile soil, and healthy home grown foods.


Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share: Free Film and Lecture Series presents our first films of 2015

January 20th @ 6:30pm – The Agro Rebel: Permaculture in the Salzburg Alps, 45 mins.  How can Sepp Holzer farm fish, livestock, vegetables and herbs, a wide variety of fruits including lemons high in the Alps?  No weeding, no watering, no annual plowing.  The Agro Rebel explores the unusual, sustainable, energy and time saving, farming methods developed by Austrian farmer, Sepp Holzer.   Film showing at Pringle Creek Community, 3911Village Center Drive SE, Salem.  For more info call Diana Cason, 941-735-0452.  Presented by NWPI with help from Pringle Creek Community.


January 22nd @ 6:30pm – The Greenhorns, 50 minutes.  “Monoculture, monopoly, cheap food and poor diets – these are the consequences of an agricultural system gone awry, driven by policy and corporate control.  Here we are, unhealthy.  Re-orienting our food system is a project worth tackling, and these young farmers have chosen to become part of the solution, addressing the crisis they see by learning the skills needed, and starting the kinds of businesses that, one by one, can replace complicated, entrenched systems.  Today’s young farmers are dynamic entrepreneurs, stewards of place.  They are involved in local politics, partnering with others, inventing new social institutions, working with mentors, starting their careers as apprentices, borrowing money from the bank, putting in long hours, taking risks, innovating, experimenting.  Farming with horses, with hacked tractors, with forgotten urban lots and Appalachian coal country.  These young farmers have vision: a prosperous, satisfying, sustainable food system.  It is ambitious, it will take work, but it wont be boring.”

Event includes finger food potluck and discussion, @ 6:30 pm, Thursday January 22nd at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem, 5090 Center Street NE, Salem.  For more info call 503-449-8077.  Presented by NWPI, with support from UUCS and Life Source Natural Foods.


In January we are starting a new section of our 36 hour class:

Permaculture Essentials for the Pacific NW 

Permaculture is “Earth Care, People Care, and Return of Surplus,” combining traditional and innovative methods that are sustainable and energy saving, enriching to the soil and all life. Design a system to feed your family, or complete additional short classes to earn your certificate and work as a consultant.

Permaculture Essentials for the Pacific NW covers permaculture history and ethics and goes into depth on the core concepts for creating sustainable systems by observing connections and capturing energy. Explore the energy transactions of trees, the roles of fungi, and the many functions of living soil. Learn pH, mineral availability, and enriching your soil with worm beds, weeds as repair tools, and compost fixing strategies. Study landscape effects on climate and temperate climate design for your home and landscape from balcony or kitchen gardens to main crops and food forests. This course prepares you to design a sustainable system for your yard or small farm in the Pacific NW.

Let’s build resilience, save money and energy, save water, and feed our communities now. Come join our latest class!

Classes will be three hours, 6:30-9:30 each Wednesday evening, held in Salem starting on January 28th.  $15 per class.  Space is limited, contact instructor, Diana Cason at 941-735-0452, to reserve your seat, or to ask for more information and location.


2015 – International Year of the Soils

There is little as important as the health and preservation of living soils.  To learn more about the importance of soil and the relationship between soil and carbon, we recommend the following books:

The Soil Will Save Us: How Scientists, Farmers, and Foodies are Healing the Soil to Save the Planet, by Kristin Ohlson

Grass, Soil, Hope: A Journey Through Carbon Country, by Courtney White


For more information on the UN declaration, 2015 the International Year of the Soils, visit;
